Empowering Change
Championing Justice

Social Justice at FUUNO

Dive into a community where social justice isn't just a buzzword—it's our mission. At First Unitarian Universalist Church of New Orleans, we work toward societal transformation and sparking a spirit of service that extends far beyond our walls.

For years, we've been weaving a tapestry of relationships, both within our vibrant congregation and the heart of the larger community. Our goal? Creating a world enriched by equity and justice.

Join a dynamic collective! Whether you're looking to contribute individually or collaborate with our dedicated Social Justice Team, there's a space for you. And don't forget to meet members of the team and others in our rich social justice network at the monthly Gillespie-Senter Memoiral Community Breakfasts.

Passion Meets Purpose

Sometimes we are blessed with being able to choose the time, and the arena, and the manner of our revolution, but more usually we must do battle where we are standing.

— Audre Lorde

Making Waves with Partnerships

FUUNO has been working with Together New Orleans (TNO) and Together Louisiana since 2019. TNO is a broad-based coalition of congregations and community-based organizations in the greater New Orleans area, with the capacity to address community problems large and small. The coalition is deliberate about crossing the lines of race, religion, neighborhood, and political affiliation. We work on issues affecting families and communities, and we are a strictly non-partisan organization.