Our Staff & Board
Our Church Staff
Director of Religious Exploration: Katie Gelfand – dre@firstuuno.org
Music Director: Dwayne White - music@firstuuno.org
Bookkeeper/Office Admin: Janice Bailey – bookkeeper@firstuuno.org
Board of Trustees
President Beverly Rainbolt (president@firstuuno.org)
Vice-President Barrett Smith (vicepresident@firstuuno.org)
Secretary Claudia Barker (secretary@firstuuno.org)
Treasurer Justin Wolfe (treasurer@firstuuno.org)
At-Large Stephanie Baus
At-Large Christopher Brown
At-Large Jyaphia Christos-Rodgers
At-Large Chris Pixon
At-Large Amy Wing
Board meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. All FUUNO members are welcome to attend. If you plan to attend and have a specific matter to address, please email president@firstuuno.org at least two days prior to the meeting to have the item placed on the agenda.